Drýgja Andra

mellow mentor

If your hope scatter like the dust across your track
I'll be the moon that shines on your path
The sun may blind our eyes
I'll pray the skies above
For snow to fall on the Sahara

When you think about it, life is a race to gain the most. What's knowledge if not unending power, means to conquer greater than muscles or gil?

basic info   
nameDrýgja Andraage117
originSkatay RangestatusMarried
occupationMender, mentorlanguagesSkatayan, common, ishgardian, Garlean

 about  The Veena, usually accompanied by an orange cat, is an engineer who mostly keeps to herself, and prefers observing others instead of indulging in conversation unless another strikes it first. After a long time serving for chaotic causes geared towards greater good, she tries to enjoy a more peaceful life once more.

  • height : 6 fulms 4 ilms. (197 cm)

  • weight : 190 ponzes (86 kg)

  • eye color : Grey

  • hair color : Black

  • skin color : Fair

  • aether: ice, earth, lightning

  • scars : Burn scar, gunshot wound

  • accessories : Pince nez, masks

  • others : Prosthetic left arm

  • face reference : Erika linder

biography Not much is known about the woman. When you ask her of her past, she will always turn to other topics but herself; cats being the most adorable creatures, the latest news, application of polynomials in day-to-day basis, or even what takeout to get for the night.If you dig from other sources, though, you will find out that the quiet, scarred woman has had quite the history in her line of work. The most notable one being her time as the right hand for a member of Four Noble Houses of Ishgard, managing the Far Eastern Consulate they run for several turns. In exchange for her commendable work, the House facilitated her two-year study in Old Sharlayan, albeit hers was the remote program. Due to several shortcomings and personal issues, after her long dedication she had to resign, and she would later find jobs in the entertainment industry.Though it was lucrative, especially when there are gigs, it did not last very long. After getting into a 'freak accident' that caused her to lose her left arm again, she spends most of her time recovering, and try to rebuild a life for herself using old skill she earned a long time ago before it all started.


  • Cats

  • Triple triad

  • Roses

  • Pizza

  • Studying


  • Snakes

  • Cucumbers

  • The void, voidsent

  • The colour beige

  • Spicy food

Skills and Abilities

  • Programming, engineering

  • hand-to-hand, blade mastery, marksmanship

  • Piloting vehicles

  • Public speaking

  • Poison resistance


Common. She's the dictionary description of engineering. Her life was forcefully dedicated to the craft, and her current job revolves around that field. It is not surprising that she, too, resorts to tech to have a limb the second time. The cool prosthetic can be a great conversation starter to unfold the inner workings of her mind.

  Jill of all trades, master of some 
Common. Ever the studious sort, she would gorge herself with books and media that will broaden her horizon. Drýgja probably knows some of your favourite subjects, if not most then at least the surface of it. Talking about particularly strange topics is a good way to keep her going all night long. Beware.

  Coffee addict  
Common. Her past jobs require her to be ever ready, and what is a quick fix to adrenaline boost if not coffee? So much so she grew dependant. She would jokingly say that instead of blood, coffee courses through her veins, and from now and then she prowls for some good cafe to satisfy this addiction.

Common. Imagine: your trustworthy weapon, which have been with you for turns, is suddenly unusable. You cannot stand the thought of scrapping it, for it carries memories of you making it to the top. With the right amount of coin, she can breathe a new life to your wordless companion.

  Friend of felines  
Common. Once upon a time, at lowest point of her life, a cat overturned her thoughts of ending life. It is no wonder that the Veena has since taken a special love for felines, big and small alike. At times, she can be seen feeding strays around Ishgard. You can join her in this pasttime.

Common. Sharing is caring, and it doesn't diminish any knowledge you have. She knows the dichotomy that is life and death. Currently, she tutors an excited student on the art of tech creation. In the past, she mentored a Rava on the art of destruction, to do good behind shadows.

  Strangely good deeds  
Rare. For some turns, some strange curse seem to fell upon some members of Ishgard's elites. Their highly publicized deaths have given way for the authorities to pursue investigation into a more sinister circle and network. Try as hard as they might, the one who 'gave the lead' was never found.

  The forgotten puzzle  
Rare. There is a tale of high-ranking officer named Nova lux Andromeda, who escaped Imperial chains by surprising, unusual means. Even after the figure of legend served the Empire for three decades long. A wanted person, through and through.
How, and why?

  Got ideas?  
If you have any other ideas for RP, feel free to throw it at me!

Hello, thank you for reading Drýgja's carrd. My name is Zil and I have been playing FFXIV since 2017, but I have been RPing for longer. Drýgja is one of my two mains, so I spend extensive time on her.The character is inspired by some media and other characters, notable ones being Cyberpunk 2077, Hitman, Mirror's Edge, Black Cat, and Lara Croft.Here are some things to note when RPing with me.

 1.  We are here to have fun together through collaborative stories. Don't take things seriously, what happens IC stays IC, and if you do not like how something turns out, we can discuss it. 2.  The said fun can be mature in nature, so I will only roleplay with those over 21. Please do not approach if you are minor. 3.  I am interested in slice-of-life, mature, and dark RP. I also do romance and ERP if it makes sense to the character's progression and dynamics. 4.  English is not my first language, so I apologize in advance if my posts seem incoherent at times. I will do my best to minimize errors and write with clarity and simplicity, and I expect you to do the same. 5.  Real life and comfort takes priority. If somehow you need to fade-to-black, feel free to do so. We do not have to RP out everything.

 6.  In-game RP is much preferred. While Discord RP is welcomed, it tends to be dragged out so much until either the writers lost interest. 7.  I am pretty lore-adherent and like a more grounded, realistic stories. So, no going to the First or getting into Nier's bunkers for me, or anything that does not make sense from an everyday man's POV. That being said, a little lore-bending are fine, provided they still make sense story-wise. FFXIV did not write everything in stone, it's a playground for creativity. 8.  We all put time and thoughts into our character, so we surely love them. Of course, it means that there is nothing to do with maiming or killing, unless discussed beforehand. 9.  Secrets and progress that unfold over time is more entertaining and sexy. Please do not godmod or metagame, and wait for the course of story to reveal things by itself. 10.  I will give my Discord and Mare code upon request after some interactions.